Leading women to know Christ in an intimate, personal and vibrant way. Encouraging women to develop and maintain deep and lasting relationships and accountability. Providing women opportunities to serve the Body of Christ and others in the community and the world. That’s our desire, to reach as many women as possible.
Bible Studies
Meadowbrook’s Women’s Ministry offers a spring and fall Bible study on Wednesday mornings. Each study is designed to help encourage, motivate, and challenge women to grow in the knowledge of God’s Word and to build relationships and friendships by participating in small group discussions. For more information on current Bible studies, please contact Sandy Strack, 217-351-3019, or [email protected].
Ladies Night Out
Our goal is to allow ladies an opportunity to build new friendships and strengthen established one. Opportunities are given to invite your friends, both churched and unchurched, to come together to share laughter and experiences only familiar to other women. We usually meet the first Thursday of each month for a different activity.