What is Meadowbrook Kids?
Meadowbrook Kids exist to help children have an authentic relationship with God. Parents will have a peace of mind knowing that their children are learning about Jesus in a safe, secure, and fun environment! We do this through check-in computers with security pick up tags, age specific lessons, worship, and games! We strive to connect children with their creator and realize that God has a special calling for their life!
Early Childhood
Sunday Morning
Our Early Childhood ministry is a loving and safe place for our youngest Meadowbrook attenders! We have three age specific rooms, Nursery (0-23 months), Toddler Town (2-3 years), and Preschool Park (3 years {potty trained}-Pre K), because we are here to create age specific environments for your child to encounter God at their developmental level! We use Tru Wonder to accomplish this, and if you would like more information please visit:

Sunday Morning
Our Sunday Morning Elementary Age ministry is a safe and fun service for your child to learn more about and grow closer to their creator! We accomplish this through age appropriate lessons, interactive worship, reflection time, and fun games! Our students learn about The Big God Story and go through the entire bible in one year showing how everyone plays a part in God’s Story starting with Adam and Eve in September and finishing Revelation in August. We use Tru Fire Story to accomplish this, and if you would like more information please visit:
Wednesday Evenings
Our Wednesday evening ministry is a Bible-based evangelism and discipleship program for children K-5th grade. Awana gives children the opportunity to know, love and serve Jesus, no matter their background. For more information on Awana, please visit:

Social Media
Checkout our online services, worship play list, and other fun videos. Our Meadowbrook Kids service is posted each week at 10:00am each Sunday.
Keep up to date with events, activities, monthly verses, parenting tips and encouragements.
Keep up to date with events, activities, monthly verses, parenting tips and encouragements.
Service Times & Location
Sunday Mornings
Early Childhood
9:00 and 10:30am – Children are divided into three groups and rooms; Nursery (0-23 months), Toddler Town (2-3 years), and Preschool Park (3 years {potty trained}-Pre K).
Our elementary children come together each Sunday at 9:00 and 10:30am in the Student Center. The service offers age appropriate lessons, interactive worship, reflection time, and fun games! There are opportunities for children to share their prayer requests and time is spent praying with and for them and their families. The first Sunday of each month, we encouraged children to bring in their BGMC (Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge) offerings. BGMC helps support missionaries all of the world to share the Gospel to unreached people.
Meadowbrook Community Church
1902 South Duncan Road
Champaign, IL 61822