Sunday Morning Adult Classes

The Bible Hour, Adult Sunday School

Exploring the Synoptic Gospels

10:30am, Sundays in Room 150

Feb 2 Jon Talbott—Jerusalem, Dinner at Tiffanys, Parables, Lost Sheep, Prodigal Son

Feb 9 Arin Bishop—Cost of Discipleship, Dishonest Manager, Divorce, Rich Man and Beggar

Feb 16 Malissa Shoaf—Faith and Service, Jesus and Children, Workers in the Vineyard, Lepers Healed

Feb 23 Jon Talbott—Rich Young Ruler, Persistent Widow, the Pharisee and Tax Collector, Jesus Predicts His Death

March 9 Randy Graham—Zacchaeus, Blind Receive Sight, Ten Minas: Use Your Talents

March 16 Malissa Shoaf—Palm Sunday, My House is a House of Prayer, the Fig Tree: Have Faith and Bear Fruit

March 23 Arin Bishop—Jesus’ Authority Questioned, Jesus Teaches in Parables: two Sons, Tenants, the Wedding Banquet

March 30 Sam Limentato—Give to Caesar what is Caesars, Jesus Answers Sadduccess on Marriage in Heaven, Greatest Commandment

April 6 Malissa Shoaf—A Widow’s Offering, Signs of End Times, The Day and Hour is Unknown

April 13 Randy Graham—Seven Woes, Parables: 10 Virgins, Sheep and Goats, Son of Man Coming

April 27 Arin Bishop—A Plot to Kill Jesus, Jesus Anointed, The Betrayer, The Lord’s Supper

May 4 John Elder—Jesus Predicts Peter’s Denial, Jesus Pays at Gethsemane, Jesus Arrested

May 11 Sam Limentato—Before the Sanhedrin, Peters Disowns Jesus, Judas Hangs Himself, Jesus Before Pilate and Herod

May 18 Malissa Shoaf—Soldiers Mock Jesus, The Crucifixion, Death and Burial of Jesus

May 25 Jon Talbott—He’s Alive! Jesus Appears to the Disciples, The Great Commission, His Ascension