Go Into All The World
any place any price so all can hear

Short Term Missions
We ask everyone in the Meadowbrook community to prayerfully consider their personal participation in world missions. Ask the Lord how He wants you to help complete His mission not only in our own community but also around the world. We plan several short, cross-cultural trips each year.
All potential candidates for short-term teams must complete an application.
Operation Christmas Child
The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. You can participate by packing a shoebox and dropping it off at our collection center in November. For more information please visit the Operation Christmas Child page on Samaritan’s Purse’s website. https://www.samaritanspurse.org/what-we-do/operation-christmas-child/
OCC Monthly Club
The Operation Christmas Child Club meets on the last Sunday of each month to share encouraging stories and work on items to pack in shoeboxes. Join us Sunday, May 27, in the Orange Bowl immediately following second service. Lunch will be provided.
OCC Item of the Month
May: Hygiene Items
Savvy shoppers know that they can impact more children around the world for eternity by looking for shoebox items throughout the year. Drop off items by the nursery counter.
Meadowbrook Community Church is one of the Midwestern Collection Centers for Operation Christmas Child. Please visit our Face Book page, https://www.facebook.com/groups/OCCEastCentralIL/

World Missions
World Missions always has been a priority at Meadowbrook Community Church.
We participate in missions by giving and by going. We believe the Lord continues to challenge us and invite our participation in His mission. We are continuing our strong commitment to unreached people groups in the 10/40 window. Please prayerfully consider how you will participate in this core ministry of the church.
Due to the sensitive nature of missions work and the safety of the individuals involved, limited information is available for publishing on our site in regard to specific missionaries. If you would like more information concerning world missions, please contact a member of the missions team or the church office.
While we are committed to supporting missionaries through the Assemblies of God Department of Foreign Missions, we also support the work of many other missions agencies. Various missionaries are supported throughout Africa, Eurasia, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America & the US. The table below shows the percentage given from our missions budget to each specific region.
We ask for continuous prayer for our supported missionaries and for our missions leadership team. We have been blessed and encouraged by several of our small groups’ adoption of a missionary and the deeper relationships that have developed. Get to know our missionaries as they visit and as they share with us via letters and emails and videos. Help us minister more completely to their needs. Get to know the missions team and how you can pray for and help them.
Local Missions
Outreach Opportunities
Current List of MCC Financially Supported Ministries
Mark & Jenn Bettinger (EIU Chi Alpha) www.eiuchialpha.org
Champaign County Christian Health Clinic www.ccchc2003.org
Jay Covert (Urban Outreach Ministries) www.uocitiesusa.org
CU at Home www.cuathome.us
Bruce Norris (Youth With A Mission) www.ywam.org
Bob Marks (Chi Alpha National) www.chialpha.com/About-XA/national
Linda Seiler (Chi Alpha Purdue Campus) www.lindaseiler.com
Megan Sikes (Intervarsity Christian Fellowship) http://75th.ivcfillinois.org/history-and-fun-stuff/meet-the-staff/
Tom Richardson (People Reaching People) www.bringsomeonewithyou.com
Other Ministries We Have Financially Supported in Recent Years and Prayerfully Support & Endorse:
Fellowship of Christian Athletes www.fca.org
Illini Life www.illinilife.org
Living Alternatives (a Crisis Pregnancy Center) hopeforafuture.com
Salt and Light www.saltandlightministry.org
Restoration Urban Ministries restorationurbanministries.net
Salvation Army www.salvationarmy.org
Daily Bread Soup Kitchen dailybreadsoupkitchen.com
We Care Program www.wecareprogram.org
Relevant Practical Ministry for Men rpmfm.org