Service Times & Location
Meadowbrook Community Church
1902 South Duncan Road
Champaign, IL 61822
Lead Pastor Ron Strack
Welcome to Meadowbrook Community Church’s website.
I want to take a moment and personally invite you to Meadowbrook Church. Meadowbrook is a diverse and welcoming place where you can feel comfortable worshiping God and sharing life with people like you. And where it really is okay not to be okay. Wherever you are at on this faith journey, you can find a place to belong right here. We are all about growing to love God completely and to love people unconditionally.
I know it is a big step to walk into an unfamiliar church for the first time, but from the moment you walk in you are going to feel welcomed and loved. If you have kids, we want you to know we have safe friendly environments designed especially for them to make church fun and engaging. Our staff and volunteers in our children’s and youth area are exceptional and want to be there for your child.
If you have any questions, you can call the church office at 217.351.3019 and ask for me or any of our staff. Yes – you really can talk to the Senior Pastor. The best part of my day is talking to people who are pursuing God. By the way, when you visit us this Sunday, I hope you will introduce yourself to me.
Ron Strack
Senior Pastor

We believe the Bible is God’s Word. It is accurate, authoritative and applicable to our everyday lives.
We believe in one eternal God who is the Creator of all things. He exists in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. He is totally loving and completely holy. The Lord Jesus Christ is both God and man and is the only one who can reconcile us to God. Each time we partake of communion we remember Jesus lived a sinless and exemplary life, died on the cross in our place, and rose again to prove His victory and empower us for life.
We believe sin has separated each of us from God and His purpose for our lives. In order to receive forgiveness we must repent of our sins, believe in Jesus Christ and submit to His will for our lives. God wants to heal and transform us so that we can live healthy and powerful lives in order to help others more effectively. In order to live the holy, fruitful, and power-filled lives God intends for us, we need to be baptized in water, set our mind on Him and His purpose, and be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.
We believe God has individually equipped us and corporately gathered us as His living body so that we can successfully achieve His purpose for our lives, which is to worship God, strengthen the Church, and share the Gospel with the community in which we live.
We believe the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back again as He promised and will rule and reign on this earth. History will conclude as the wicked are judged and the righteous enter a new heaven and a new earth.